The Lorelei Signal
Edited by Carol Hightshoe

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Interested in advertising in the Lorelei Signal?
If so there are few things you need to be aware of before getting to the information on Ad Placement and Ad Rates.
First: This is a SF/F Magazine
This means no ads for Avon or MaryKay, etc. will be accepted.
The only ads that will be accepted will be those related specifically to writing or the SF/F genre.
Second: This is a SF/F Magazine
That means our visitors are primarily interested (hopefully) in reading the stories being presented.
Advertising will be limited in order to not detract from the stories.
All ads should be approximately 600 long by 75 high.
Ads will be limited to a maximum of 2 on the page
(except for story pages - those are limited to 1 ad)
If the above limitations and requirements haven't chased you away
here are the ad placements that will be available each issue and the rates.
Main Page -- $10.00 for 3 months (1 issue) -- $30.00 for one year (4 issues)
Current Issue -- $10.00 for 3 months (1 issues) -- $30.00 for one year (4 issues)
Archives Page -- $5.00 for 3 months (1 issue) -- $15.00 for one year (4 issues)
Story Pages -- $10.00
As Story Pages are placed into the archives when each new issue goes live, rates for this page are for an entire year.
Your ad will stay with the Story Page page it was originally placed on until the page is deleted from the site -
it will not be transferred to a new Story Page.
Authors who wish to place an ad have priority on requesting it be placed with their story.
Ads are placed at the top of the web page.
Deadlines for ads:
Nov 15th - to get into the first issue of the e-zine and the print issue
Feb 15th - to get into the second issue of the e-zine and the print issue
May 15th - to get into the third issue of the e-zine and the print issue
Aug 15th - to get into the fourth issue of the e-zine and the print issue
Contact the editor with questions or to place an ad.