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The Lorelei Signal

Edited by Carol Hightshoe

ISSN: 2158-6160


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The Lorelei Signal is a web based magazine dedicated to featuring
3 dimensional / complex female characters in Fantasy stories.

This does not mean I don't want to see complex male characters either, balance is the key.
I just don't want to see female characters who are weak, having to be constantly rescued, etc.
Females in the story should have the same strength of character as their male counterparts and not be there as window dressing.
This has been changing over the years in fantasy writing - the idea of the female character
being nothing more than a sidekick, the princess to be rescued, etc has faded significantly.
But, she still shows up occasionally.

The title of this magazine was taken from the Animated Star Trek episode by the same name.
In that episode the men of the Enterprise fell under a siren song and it was Lt. Uhura who had to take command of the Enterprise.

It was a pretty hokey set-up to finally get a female in the command chair of the original Enterprise, but at least she got there.

With the closure of our 'brother' magazine - Sorcerous Signals. The Lorelei Signal will be changing - only slightly.
We are still seeking fantasy stories - but we are no longer looking ONLY for stories that feature female characters.
However, if your story has female characters - they CANNOT be there just as window dressing for the male character
or only to serve as damsels in distress.


Help Support the Magazine

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Note to readers:

The online magazine is free, no subscription fees.

However, we are hoping you will show your appreciation for the work that appears here by clicking on the donation button with each story page and making a donation to show you appreciate our work. 75% of all money received will be divided among the writers and artists - once the issue earns back the initial amounts paid out.

I pay the authors and artists out of pocket...
so your support is critical to keeping The Lorelei Signal online.

If we receive enough donations while the issue is up to cover the money already paid to the authors and artists, I will then take 75% of the remainder of the money and divide it between the authors and artists whose work appears in the issue. The rest goes toward other operating expenses for the magazine.

Please look for the donation buttons at the end of each story.


All Rights Reserved

No portion of this publication may be copied or reproduced in any manner whatsoever

without the permission of the copyright holder.

All individual stories are copyrighted by their authors and all artwork is copyrighted by the artists.

This publication as a whole is copyrighted by WolfSinger Publications.

Thank you for respecting the writers and artists by respecting copyright.

The Lorelei Signal (ISSN: 2158-6160) is published quarterly, by WolfSinger Publications.
New issues are posted on the first Sunday of Jan, April, July, and Oct.

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