The Lorelei Signal
A Clowder of Monochromatic Felines
Written by John H. Dromey / Artwork by Marge Simon
cliché exception
in the dark all cats are grey
unless they’re black
witch seeks familiar
can’t choose between two black cats
buys a longer broom
pirate trades parrot
for compatible black cat
pegleg scratching post
cats are born leaders
black cat goes out on a limb
a fireman follows
some stars of film noir
don’t bother to read the script
devious black cats
dark doppelgänger
sends chills up and down your spine
a black cat’s shadow
ideal companion
a right-up-your-alley cat
sharing lives with you
self-imposed bad luck
bored black cat chasing its tail
crosses its own path
John H. Dromey has had short fiction published in Mystery Magazine and numerous other publications. His speculative poems have appeared in Star*Line, Eye to the Telescope, Lothlorien Poetry Journal, Five Fleas Itchy Poetry, 5-7-5 Haiku Journal, View From Atlantis, the Dwarf Stars 2022 anthology, and elsewhere.